Monday, 11 February 2013

Jumping Sprite mate and beta top hat owners!

Most have read yesterday's beta post!
Beta names!
as you see i did some more research!
and it seems Jumping sprite mate could not pick a good look (lol)
look at the pictures below he always came in a different look!

and i also found out that JSM (short from of Jumping Sprite mate)
was a beta owner!
he owned the well known Green rare top hat!
and i was look at one of his/her pictures
that he/she had a pink head?
i don't know why? but we dont have any design which just covers the wolf's head pink!
i bet its a beta item
what to do you think?
and i also found out that JSM's user was!

and also their was another jammer who owned the rare green top hat!
pretty cool right!
thats all for now ^.^


  1. I really wish if i was in the beta times!
    Or may be aj could make this cool day called BETA DAY
    in which they made one whle day Beta for all jammers too see!

  2. @asd Awesome idea! i like the beta day thing :D i am gonna email AJHQ that!

  3. OH hey THX mano i just came up with it =D i will too!

  4. Yes we are! Btw i wonder if AJ will take out the rare green Top hat clour :\

  5. Lol this is like Live chating :D anyways i do too! jammers are rest less about the green top hat! and there is also a rare Grey-is Top hat too!

  6. Oh cool! but i thought there were only 8 colours of each item!

  7. Me too bbut aj is fixing the bugs! in result finishing beta T.T

  8. yea... Btw i gtg ^.^ it was fun Comment chating LOL BYE!
