Tricks of scammers (SCAM LIST)


1.Good friend trick:
Now a days scammers act good get items e.g Your friend!
at first they try and get close to you and make a space in your mind making you think he  friend and then he/she will make the move and ask for an rare item and say "you can trust am your friends :)" NO HALT! you can not give anything away just like that unless its a real person in real life you know and you can get them back if they scam you! NEVER TRUST ANYONE ONLINE AND KEEP YOUR PASSWORD WITH YOU OR A TRUSTED ADULT!

2.The Decline Deceit:
This Scam was one of the most populare and people Fell for it!
The scammer would say "SEND ME ANYTHING I WILL DECLINE IT TRY ME!" Don't! major scam! he/she will take your item and run off Also keep in mind don't let the scammer trick you! "COME ON TRY ME YOUR JUST A BABY!" Just ignore the scammer and do what you do.

3.Flash trading:
The flash trading is a fast way to scam some one will say "Hey! i will send you a worn and you just have 2 seconds to accpect it!" you might go for it but DON'T! at first three he will send the worn and you will fail and then all of a sudden he will send another item and you will just click the accpect the item bam! *poof* you got scammed! but thanks to the new DO REALLY WANT ACCPECT THIS TRADE? has saved alot of jammers from getting scammed!

4.The Lion/leopard/Artic wolf Code Trap:
In this scam you will see someone shout out "COME TO MY DEN FOR A LION CODE!" you go their and you really want it! you reach there and you ask for the code the scammmer says "OK TRADE ME A WORN AND ITS ALL YOURS" you send him the worn and *poof* YOU GOT SCAMMED! so always buy memberships from trusted stores!

5.The Glitch Tax:
Alot of you love Glitches! and you wanna know them all So you see someone shout out "COME TO MY DEN TO KNOW THE NON MEMBER DEN GLITCH [example]" and you follow and that glitch is rare and few know it! You go their and the scammer says "Ok give me two member gloves for the glitch i will show you" You send or trade them and *poof* you got scammed they run of with your items. Now a days glitches are less in number (sadly) this scam is less in number but remeber anyone can fake out a glitch!

6.The Broken Trade button:
ON ANY COST DON'T DO THIS! this a 100% scam!
the scammer will say "ok i will trade you my WORN for your for freedom wings" But then he will say "Aww no my button wont work! :(" "I KNOW! you send me your rares and i will send you mine!" and you do it *poof* you got scammed! Thats way always use the trade system! NO MATTER WHAT! this is for your safety.
7.Rare item contest scam:
You just walking in jamma and you see someone say "SEND ME RARES! THE PERSON WHO SENDS THE BEST RARES GETS MY [GLOVE]" DONT DO ITS a scam! all you gotta do is click the report button for jamma's safety

1.Its not i good habbit to do
2.People cheat LIKE CHEAT ALOT in betting! YOU NEVER KNOW THAT THE OTHER PERSON REALLY completed The bet and you give them your item!
3.Waste of time! You can go get other stuff by trading then sitting around and beting!
4.People play unfair I only betted only once EVER i (manocat123) Never witnessed So much Cheating i clearly won
5.No surety of winning you might get scammed over and over!
so i don't bet :) it's best for you

8.The color changing scam/double up item scam:
these two scams are same! you see a person [member] saying "my den for changing colors of items!" you go their remeber! this scam has update now! the scammer keeps a partner!(some times 2 people to make look more safe) a normal non memmber who always goes first! the member takes his glove [he sends him it] and then trades him another color saying here is have changed the colour for you and then he says NEXT! ITS ALL A SCAM DON'T SEND THE ITEM! just report him and leave!

list made in 2013 please if you use this list give credit to TMAC
(c)TMAC 2013


  1. :D i got scammed and i admit i have done it, i feel bad when i do it though :,( in fact so bad i sent back the items and something super good, like a spiked wrist!

    1. I think I also once scammed, but I immediately gifted the items back (I think, sorry I don't have a good memory.) because I felt so guilty. I got scammed once too, in the ways of #6. :(
